U.S. 研究生


如果你不是研究生, 请参阅适用于您的注册步骤.

As you go through the enrollment process we are here for you every step of the way. You can contact the Office of Enrollment with questions any time at (800) 541-8900.


1. 验收审查的步骤 

For questions about the 研究生uate application process call (509) 527-2421 or email 研究生.studies@ycdwkj666.com.

去 应用.ycdwkj666.com 来创建您的应用程序帐户. Pay the $50 application fee* and submit your application.


威尼斯人彩票直营收到您的申请后,您将收到一封确认您提交的电子邮件. You can view your additional documents needed by accessing your applicant portal.

需要三个专业推荐*. 这些人应该是最近的志愿者导师,雇主,教授或顾问. Members of your own family or personal friends are NOT appropriate references.

Your recommendation requests will be entered during the application process, and you will indicate if you wish to waive your right to review the references. 对于写推荐信的人和招生委员会来说,知道你对这个审查权的决定是很重要的.

当填写推荐信的人提交推荐信表格时,推荐信表格将自动上传到申请人门户网站. 申请人有责任确保推荐人及时填写他们的表格.

*请注意以下课程有特定的参考要求:DSW, MSW A/S, MSW R/S. 这些要求可以在 毕业生公告.

All 研究生uate program applicants must complete the 研究生 Studies Admission Essay. Program specific instructions are available on your applicant portal.

Please send your official bachelor's degree granting college, 大学和任何研究生水平的成绩单,将其密封的原始信封寄到此地址:

204 S. 学院大街


电子, 研究生.studies@ycdwkj666.com 

向您的申请人门户网站提交一份包含工作和志愿者经历的当前简历. 请务必在你的简历或入学论文中解释工作经历中的任何大空白.

沃拉沃拉大学的Wilma Hepker社会工作和社会学学院有责任确保为客户提供最高水平的诚信和安全, 学生与社区. 因此, 所有申请水务大学的都市固体废物及土木工程废物申请人均须在入学前提交一份犯罪背景调查报告. 背景审查是对过去可能对客户或其他人构成潜在风险的任何活动的审查, 包括犯罪行为, 否则可能会排除学生在学术生涯结束后获得实地实习或执照的资格. 这项政策是为了确保都市固体废物及社会福利学生,以及他们在实习期间所服务的弱势客户的安全. 您的背景调查将通过您的申请人门户网站提交表格订购. WWU will handle payment for your background check.

For questions about 金融 aid call (800) 656-2315 or email 金融.aid@ycdwkj666.com


的 Free Application for Federal Student aid, or FAFSA是一种用于赠款和贷款的联邦援助表格. Use the school code for 沃拉沃拉大学: 003799. 要以电子方式签署表格,请设置您的 联邦学生援助ID (FSA ID). 这一步骤对所有美国人开放.S. citizens, permanent residents and residents of U.S. 领土.

完成 verification process (if required)

的 government selects about 30 percent of FAFSA applications for verification. You will be required to submit documentation (such as signed tax papers, W2形式, 以及验证工作表).


完成 世界大学财政援助申请. Your myWWU account and password will be required.

WWU offers 金融 aid separate from federal programs. Canadian 学生s are welcome to submit this application as well; WWU offers some 金融 aid to Canadian 学生s.

Review your 金融 aid award packet from WWU

一旦你完成了上述, 你将收到一份来自世界大学的经济援助包,其中显示了你的全部援助贷款, 奖助金, 工作研究, 等.)和付款计划. 用a回顾你的计划 经济援助顾问. 如果你的家庭财务状况没有反映在FAFSA上, 请给财务援助顾问打电话.

You must be accepted to WWU before a 金融 aid award packet can be sent to you.

完成 paperwork to accept your 学生 loans


2. 在你被录取之后

当做出决定时,您将通过电子邮件收到通知,并可以通过您的申请人门户查看. 如果你被录取了, 在查看您的状态更新后,您的申请人门户网站将包含一个研究生录取回复表格. We recommend that you submit this form as soon as possible, so that you may continue the process of enrollment.

威尼斯人彩票直营要求所有生物学申请者在被录取后两周内提交此表格,否则你的助教职位可能会被提供给其他候选人. 如果您有可以减轻的情况,使您无法在规定的时间内提交此表格, please contact the 研究生 Program Director to request an extension.

有关访问myWWU的问题,请致电(509)527-2317或通过电子邮件联系IT帮助台 helpdesk@ycdwkj666.com.

MyWWU is the online entry portal for the apps you will use at WWU. 一旦你被录取,威尼斯人彩票直营会给你发一封电子邮件,详细说明如何激活你的大学电子邮件地址和myWWU账户.

Two commonly used apps at WWU are PeopleSoft and HighPoint. PeopleSoft has the most capabilities for managing your 学生 information. 它是为台式电脑设计的.

HighPoint的功能更少, but is designed to use on mobile devices such as tablets and smart phones. Financial Clearance and Registration Finalization can only be done in HighPoint.

  • Follow the instructions in the email you received to access myWWU.
  • 记住您的myWWU帐户名和密码. 您将在WWU的整个学术生涯中或通过您的申请人门户使用它.

For questions about university housing options call (509) 527-2109 or email village@ycdwkj666.com.


If you wish to rent housing from WWU, submit an 申请水务署自有房屋.


If you are planning to live in a house or apartment not owned by the university, 请发邮件到 housing@ycdwkj666.com 并说明你的住房计划.

五月开始, 你可以通过预约你的指导老师开始注册课程. You will receive your faculty advisor’s contact information via email. This information is also listed in your 学生 center in HighPoint. 在你的顾问会议上, 您将有机会回顾您的课程要求并计划您的时间表.


关于你的学术顾问的问题, contact the office of 研究生uate studies (509) 527-2421 | 研究生.studies@ycdwkj666.com

3. 七月一日以后

有关健康信息的问题,请致电学生生活办公室(509)527-2511或电子邮件 cphc@cchd-wa.org.


所有在学院广场或比林斯校区修读6学分以上的研究生都必须参加健康保险计划. 请确保你在沃拉沃拉大学的整个教育过程中都有保险.

4. 在8月中旬


顺利通过注册的秘诀是完成你的持有和待办事项. 回顾你的持有和待办事项 myWWU > Student Center or myWWU > HighPoint. Use HighPoint if you are using a tablet or smartphone.

For questions about 金融 clearance call (800) 656-2815 or email 学生.金融s@ycdwkj666.com.


If you want to sail smoothly through 金融 clearance, get your holds and to-do items done before starting 金融 clearance.

Complete any remaining items such as loan promissory notes, loan entrance interview or other 金融 aid forms.


金融间隙 for fall 季度 normally opens in mid-August. 对于其他季度,财务清算通常在季度开始前几周开始. Watch for an email notification about the date for an opening of 金融 clearance.

财务清算可以通过网上完成 myWWU > HighPoint after you have completed your 金融 clearance holds. Use the Financial Clearance menu option in myWWU.


In myWWU > HighPoint 在“注册”菜单中选择“注册最终化”以启动注册最终化过程.


当您看到跳跃爱因斯坦™的图形时,您知道您已经完成了注册. 一旦你看过跳跃的爱因斯坦, it takes about 60 minutes for your ID card to be activated for charging at 的表达 和 大学书店.

5. 抵达校园后


拿好身份证 at 信息技术 Help Desk located in Rigby Hall 014. 您的身份证将被激活,当您完成注册结束-也被称为跳跃爱因斯坦.


If you are living in university housing, make your final housing arrangements with 村住房.


After you are on campus and have received registration finalization for the term, 登记车辆 校园安全.


After you have seen Jumping Einstein, purchase your books at the 大学书店. 使用视图 季度 教材连结进入 myWWU > Student Center; the system will automatically populate the page with the textbooks that you need for the classes in which you are enrolled.

在秋季学期开始的前一周,学校为新生预留了一个特殊的时间,让他们从学校书店购买课本. 注意特定日期的公告.


Before the first day of classes, review the course syllabus for each of your classes. 的 course syllabus and homework information is available on Desire2Learn(网站).


的 Welcome Back Bash occurs on the Sunday evening before fall 季度 classes start. You may check out all the various clubs and sign up online. You must have seen Jumping Einstein before you can sign up for clubs.

当研究生注册一个或多个俱乐部时,他们每学期最多可以获得25美元的学分. Watch for an email at the beginning of each term from the 研究生 Studies Office.

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